Trustee: Littoral, Narbonnais, Corbières et Minervois

    The co-owner-ship trustee must be in the image and up to your ambitions. For this, L'Immobilier du Sud is committed to implementing 4 fundamental principles that will be the common thread of our management. 

  • Independance : We have no agreement with any interlocutor watsoever, bank, insurance, promoter or craftsman. Our only interest is the defence of yours, our only remuneration is the one you voted for. 
  • Proximity : We are committed that you know all the teams that will follow you and that they are always reachable.
  • Clarity : We establish a true partnership with our co-owners and aspire to manage your condominium in close collaboration with the co-ownership council. You have access to all legal or administrative documents online. 
  • Economy : We will stay vigilant to the smallest possible economy in order to keep a budget under control.  


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Do you have a doubt ? We move... 

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